Add Job Posts | Manual Creation

How do I manually add job posts?

Encoding Job Posts
Encoding is one way in creating job posts in your Fleet Web account. This section will also show you how to manually add a new job post in your Fleet Ph Web account with different job types (Regular, Advanced, Recurring).

Adding a New Job

To Manually Add a New Job:
1.      Click the Add New Job button in your Pending Jobs page.

add new job - 1

2.      Choose which Job Type you would like your job post to be:
            a. Regular JobDefault Job Type in the Add New Job section. The Starting Date and Time of the job is fixed in this job type.

regular job type

            b. Advance Job – This is when you would want to add a job scheduled for a later date and time.

advance job type

          c. Recurring Job – Refers to jobs that you would want to occur more than once. You could choose whether the job will occur Daily, Weekly, or Monthly.

recurring job type

Adding a Regular Job

To Add a Regular Job Type Post:
1.      Once you are already in the Add New Job section, the Regular Job will be the default job type.

add regular job - 1

2.      Fill-out the necessary details which are in red label:
            a. Start Date and Time of Job – In the Regular Job type, this part is already fixed.
            b. Expected completion time of job - Default is 30 minutes but you may add options in minutes or in hours in the “30 mins” dropdown.
            c. Store Filter
            d. Customer Details – Fill-out the necessary details in red (Customer Name, and Contact Number). Details like the Phone Number and Email are optional.
         e. Location details – Fill-out necessary details in red (Address, Country, State/Province, and City). You could also enter Additional Details (Barangay and Landmark). Details like the Address Line 2 and Postal Code are optional.
            f. Job Details – Enter extra details or instructions for your Driver.
            g. TagsEnter or choose a tag for your job post.

3.      Click Next Step once done.

add regular job - 2

4.      Check the pinned location in the Locate Address section, then click Next Step.

add regular job - 3

Note: The pinned address could also be adjusted by clicking your preferred address/location on the map. By doing this, your previously pinned location will also change.
5.      Enter your Pricing or Parcel details in the Cash On Delivery section.
            a. Cash On Delivery – Click this option then enter the COD Amount.
            b. Parcel Details (Optional) – Enter Pouch Size, Weight (kg), Merchant Name.

cod payment

6.      Click Next Step.

cod details

7.      Assign a Driver in the Assign Driver section. Only online drivers at this moment will appear here. If none, click Next Step.

assign driver - regular job

8.      Check the summary of your job post in the Confirm Job section. If all details are correct, click Save Job.

add regular job - summary

Note: Once the job post has been saved, it will now be transferred to your Pending Jobs page.

Adding an Advance Job

To Add an Advance Job type Post:
1.      Once you are already in the Add New Job section, click Advance Job.

add advance job - 1

2.      Fill-out the necessary details which are in red label:
            a. Start Date and Time of Job – In the Advance Job type, the start date and time can be changed.

            b. Store Filter
            c. Customer Details – Fill-out the necessary details in red (Customer Name, and Contact Number). Details like Phone Number and Email are optional.
            d. Location Details – Fill-out necessary details in red (Address, Country, State/Province, and City). You could also enter Additional Details (Barangay and Landmark). Details like Address Line 2 and Postal Code are optional.
            e. Job Details – Enter extra details or instructions for your Driver.
            f. TagsEnter or choose a tag for your job post.

3.      Click Next Step once done.

enter job information

4.      Check your pinned location in the Locate Address section, then click Next Step.

check pinned location

Note: The pinned address could also be adjusted by clicking your preferred address/location on the map. By doing this, your previously pinned location will also change.
5.      Enter your Pricing or Parcel details in the Cash On Delivery section
            a. Cash On Delivery – Click this option then enter the COD Amount.
            b. Parcel Details (Optional) – Enter Pouch Size, Weight (kg), Merchant Name.

cod amount

6.      Click Next Step.

cod details

7.      Assign a Driver in the Assign Driver section. Drivers assigned in your preferred Hub will appear here, even if they are offline. Click Next Step.

assign driver

8.      Check the summary of your job post in the Confirm Job section. If all details are correct, click Save Job.

job summary

Note: Once the job post has been saved, it will now be transferred to your Pending Jobs page.

Adding a Recurring Job

To Add a Recurring Job type Post:
1.      Once you are already in the Add New Job section, click Recurring Job.

recurring job type - 1

2.      Fill-out the necessary details which are in red:
            a. Store Filter
            b. Customer Details - Fill-out the necessary details in red (Customer Name, and Contact Number).
            c. Location Details - Fill-out necessary details in red (Address, Country, State/Province, and City). You could also enter Additional Details (Barangay and Landmark).
            d. Job Details – Enter extra details or instructions for your Driver.
            e. TagsEnter or choose a tag for your job post.
            f. Recurs – Choose how many times your job post will recur:

recurring - daily, weekly, monthly

                  > Daily

daily recurrence

                  > Weekly

weekly recurrence

                  > Monthly

monthly recurrence

3.      Click Next Step once done.

job information details

4.      Check your pinned location in the Locate Address section, then click Next Step.

check pinned location

Note: The pinned address could also be adjusted by clicking your preferred address/location on the map. By doing this, your previously pinned location will also change.
5.      Enter your Pricing or Parcel details in the Cash On Delivery section
            a. Cash On Delivery – Click this option then enter the COD Amount.
            b. Parcel Details (Optional) – Enter Pouch Size, Weight (kg), Merchant Name.

cod amount

6.      Click Next Step.

cod details

7.      Assign a Driver in the Assign Driver section. Drivers assigned in your preferred Hub will appear here, even if they are offline. Click Next Step.

assign driver

8.      Check the summary of your job post in the Confirm Job section. If all details are correct, click Save Job.

recurring job summary

Note: Once the job post has been saved, it will now be transferred to your Pending Jobs page.
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