Autofill & Use Last Profile | Manual Job Creation

How do I easily add user information when creating a job post?

Autofill & Use Last Profile
This section will allow you to Create a Profile when Creating a New Job in your Pending Jobs Page. The Autofill Details & Use Last Profile features can help you, as a Fleet Ph Web User, to save the hassle to manually input the same details everytime you create a new job.

Adding a New Profile (Job Information Page)

To Add a New Profile to your Job Information Page:
1.      Click Autofill Details in the Add New Job section (Step 1).

2.      Click Add New Profile.

3.      Fill-out the necessary details:
            a. Customer DetailsRequired details are labeled in red (Customer Full Name, and Mobile No.). User can also enter other optional details (Phone No., Email Address).
             b. Location DetailsRequired details are labeled in red (Address Line 1, Country, State/Province, and City). User can also enter other optional details (Address Line 2, Postal Code, Barangay, and Landmark).
              c. Tags – Enter or choose a tag for your job post.
Note: In the Location Details, you can pin your Address by clicking the Pin button. If the address is not pinned, the Pin button will be in Gray. Otherwise, it will be in Green labeled as “Pinned”.

4.      Click Save Profile.

Note: If you want to clear the information you created, click Clear Fields. Also take note that clicking the “X” icon without saving will not save your profile.

5.      Your profile will now appear in the Profile List modal. The Contact Number and Address that you entered will appear with your Profile Name.
Note: If you did not pin your Address, the Pin icon will not be highlighted. Otherwise, it will be in red.

Left - Without Pinned Address; Right - With Pinned Address

Updating the Profile

To Update an Existing Profile:
1.      Click the Ellipsis button of the Profile you want to Edit.
2.      Click Edit.

3.      Enter the necessary changes, then click Save Profile.

Removing your Profile

To Remove an Existing Profile:
4.      Click the Ellipsis button of the Profile you want to Delete.
5.      Click Delete.

6.      Click Confirm.

Applying Your Profile to your Job Post (Step 1)

To Apply the Created Profile to a Job Post:
1.      In your Add New Job (Step 1) window, click Autofill Details.

2.      Click the Profile that you want to use for your Job Post.
3.      Click Apply.

4.      Click Clear Fields to clear the field values.
5.      Click Use Last Profile to auto-fill fields.

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