Case Management | Sidebar Buttons

How do I keep records on unforeseen incidents happened during deliveries?

Case Management
The Case Management feature is for when you want to create or update a case for your job posts in your Fleet Web account using the Job Exception/s that you created (Job Completion Requirements). This section also gives an overview on different Filter tabs that can help in creating a job case, Viewing (or Uploading) Case Attachments, Case History, or Case Notes.

Case Management: Filters

The following are the Filters that can be found and used in Case Management:
1.      Search Bar – Type the Case Number of a particular job that you want to view.

case filter - search bar

Note: The tool tip beside the Search Bar informs the user that they could also search based on the Case No., Reference No., or Customer Name.

2.      Case Filter – Choose Case types that you want to view (All Cases, Open Cases, Closed Cases). Upon clicking the Case Management icon, the default Case type is Open Cases.

case filter - case filter

3.      Exceptions Filter – Select and choose the Job Exception/s that you want to view. Job exceptions listed under this filter are the title of the job exceptions created in the Job Exception section of your Job Completion Requirements.

case filter - exceptions filter

4.      Hubs Filter – Choose and select your preferred Hub to easily filter job posts that you want to view.

case filter - hubs filter

5.      Date Filter – Select and choose the Date/Time of the job post/s that you want to view. The Date Filter is based on when the case has been created.

case filter - date filter

For more information, you can view our video manual for Case Management Filters here or play the video below:

Adding a Job Case

To Add a Job Case:
1.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
2.      At the Cases filter, the Open Cases case type will be the default Case type.
3.      Click the Create New Case button.

create job case - 1

4.      The Create New Case window will appear showing available job posts that you can add a job case into.

create job case - 2

Note: To easily view your preferred job post, you can use the Search Bar at the Create New Case modal and search the Reference No. or Customer Name of that job post.

create job case - search

5.      Click Add Case.

create job case - 2

Note: In the Add Case dialog box, the Customer NameRef. No., and the Job’s Completion Date will also be visible. These details are displayed as a help for the user to check if they are adding the case to the right job post. The Case No. is auto-generated and unique for each case.

create job case - info

6.      At the Add Case dialog boxfill-out the necessary details:
            a. Exception Type
            b. Reason
            c. Remarks
            d. Upload Files

Note: The required fields will depend on the Exception Type that you will select. Required fields in the Exception Type can be viewed/changed in the Job Completion Requirements section of your Fleet Ph Web account.

7.      Click Save.

create job case - save

Viewing Case Attachments, Case History, and Case Notes

View, Select/Deselect, and Download Case Attachment/s

1.      If there is an attachment included in your created Job Case, the Attachment icon will be highlighted/visible.

2.      To View your Case Attachment, click the Attachment icon. The View Attachments box will appear.

3.      There are two (2) actions that you can do in your case attachments: Select All and Download.

Note: if there are document file types attached (e.g. Word, Excel, or PDF file types), they will not be available for previewImage file types will only be available for preview. (See image below)

Image have preview option

Attached document file types do not have the Preview option.

4.      To select all of your case attachments, click the Select All button. If you want to deselect, just click Deselect All.

Select All

Deselect All

5.      User can also Download the case attachment/s. Just click a particular case attachment/s, then click Download. The selected file/s will be downloaded as a .zip file.

Note: User with a View Case Attachment role (User Management) will only be the ones allowed to download the case attachments in the Fleet Web account.
For more information, you can view our video manual for Viewing Case Attachments here or play the video below:

Viewing Case History (Open Case)

6.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
7.      The default case type view will be Open Case. Click the job case that you want to view the case history at.

8.      Click View History.

9.      If there are no changes made in the Job Case, the current history will just be “Case Opened”. Otherwise, other changes will appear in the case history’s timeline.

Note: If there is a case note created in the selected job case, it will also appear in the history timeline as “Case Note Added”.

For more information, you can view our video manual for Viewing History (Open Cases) here or play the video below:

Viewing Case History (Closed Case)

10.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
11.      To filter your case types and for easier viewing of your Closed Cases, select Closed Cases at the Case Filter. Job with “Closed” Case status will appear.

12.      Select the Job Case that you want to view the job case history at.
13.      Click View history.

14.      If there are no changes made from the time the job case was Opened until it was Closed, the history’s timeline will just include “Case Opened” and “Case Closed”. Otherwise, other changes will also appear before the “Case Closed” status.

For more information, you can view our video manual for Viewing History (Closed Cases) here or play the video below:

Create, Add, Delete, and View Case Notes

Creating a Case Note (Open Case)

15.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
16.      Open Cases will be the default Case type in the Cases Filter.
17.      Select the Note icon beside the Case Status column of the Job Case that you want to add a case note into.

18.      Click Add Case Note.

19.      The Add Note box will appear. In the Note section, enter your case note.
20.      Click Save.

For more information, you can view our video manual for Creating Case Notes (Open Case) here or play the video below:

Creating a Case Note (Closed Case)

21.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
22.      At the Cases filter, select Closed Cases. Jobs tagged as “Closed” case will now appear.

23.      Select the Note icon beside the Case Status column of the job case that you want to add a case note into.
24.      Click Add Case Note.

25.      The Add Note box will appear. In the Note section, enter your case note.
26.      Click Save.

For more information, you can view our video manual for Creating Case Note (Closed Case) here or play the video below:

Update or Remove a Case Note

27.      To Edit a Case Note, select the job case that you want to edit a Job Case note into.
28.      Click the Note icon beside the Case Status column.
29.      Click the Edit icon of the case note that you want to edit.

30.      The Edit Note box will appear. Make the necessary changes.
31.      Click Save.

32.      To Delete a Case Note, click the Delete icon beside the Edit icon of the case note that you want to delete.

33.      Click Confirm.

For more information, you can view our video manual for Updating and Removing Case Notes here or play the video below:

Tagging a Job case as "Open" or "Close"

To Tag a Job Case as "Open" or "Close", follow these steps:
1.      Click the Case Management icon on your sidebar.
2.      Open Cases will be the default Case Type view.

3.      Click the Open button under the Case Status column.

4.      Enter your Remarks for closing this particular job case. Remarks is required when closing a case.
5.      Click Save.

Note: Once the job case is Closed, you can check the Open and Close case Remarks by clicking the particular job case. The Remarks will appear in the Remarks section labeled as “Case Opened” or “Case Closed”.

For more information, you can view our video manual for turning an Open Case to Close Case here or play the video below:

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