Cluster Management | Settings

How do I assign barangays to my hubs?

Cluster Management
This module is a guide on how to create a Cluster so Users could organize and filter job posts based on their Barangays.

Create a Cluster

To Create a New Cluster:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Cluster Management.

create cluster - 1

3.      Click Add New Cluster.

create cluster - 2

4.      Fill-out the necessary details:
            a. Hub
            b. Cluster Code
            c. Cluster Name
            d. Province
            e. City
            f. Barangay - A Barangay can only be selected ONCE. Barangays already in a Cluster can no longer be selected for a new cluster.
            g. Drivers - Multiple drivers can be assigned to a cluster.

add new cluster modal

5.      Click Save.

create cluster - 3

Update a Cluster

To Edit an Existing Cluster:
1.      Click the Pencil icon under the Actions column.

edit cluster - 1

2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Save.

edit cluster - 2

Remove a Cluster

To Delete an Existing Cluster:
1.      Click the Trash icon under the Actions column.

delete cluster - 1

2.      Click Confirm.

delete cluster - 2

Testing the Cluster

To Test a Recently Created Cluster:
1.      Click Filters on the Pending Jobs Page.
2.      Under the Cluster filter, select the recently created cluster. Jobs with locations under the selected cluster will appear.

test cluster
Note: Click Reset to remove the cluster filter and view all the jobs in the Pending Jobs page.

reset cluster filter

Check Cluster's Assigned Drivers

To Check the Cluster's Assigned Drivers:
1.      Click the Assign Driver button of a job post under the selected cluster.

check cluster drivers - 1
Note: Job posts will only appear in your selected Cluster if the "Barangay" field is filled-out in the Add New Job (Step 1).

2.      Choose the recently created cluster in the Cluster filter.

check cluster drivers - 2
Note: For Regular Jobs, ONLY Online Drivers will appear. A tooltip info (Assign Driver modal) will also include this modal.

Assign Driver (Regular Jobs)
Note: For Advance and Recurring Jobs, ALL drivers will appear even if OfflineA tooltip info (Assign Driver modal) will also include this modal.

Assign Driver (Advance/Recurring Jobs)
For more information, click here to view the Cluster Management Video Manual, or play the video below:

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