Custom View | Sidebar Buttons

How do I create a custom view to only display specific job details?

Custom View
This module is a guide on how to create a Custom View so that Web users can customize the which job columns/details will appear in their Pending Jobs page.

Create a Custom View

To Create a New Custom View:
1.      In the Pending Jobs page, click the Custom View filter.
2.      Click Add New Custom View.

add custom view - 1

3.      Enter the Custom View Name.

add custom view - 2
Note: User can click the Set as Default View box to make the Custom View as Default View once they logged in.

custom view - set as default view
4.      Choose and select the columns to be included in the Custom View (Available Columns & Selected Columns).

add custom view - 3
Note: A Custom View can have a Maximum of 7 columns ONLY.

custom view - maximum columns
Note: Use the following action buttons to transfer your preferred columns (Available Columns) to your Custom View (Selected Columns).
a. Left Arrow - Transfers a column (Available Columns) to the Custom View (Selected Columns).
b. Right Arrow - Transfers a column (Selected Columns) back to Available Columns.
c. Up Arrow - Moves the column (Selected Columns) one place up.
d. Down Arrow - Moves the column (Selected Columns) one place down.
e. Top Button - Places the column (Selected Columns) at the top of the list.
f. Bottom ButtonPlaces the column (Selected Columns) at the bottom of the list.

custom view - action buttons
5.      Click Save Custom View.

add custom view - 4

Update Custom View

To Edit an Existing Custom View:
1.      In the Custom View filter, click the Pencil icon.

edit custom view - 1

2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Save Custom View.

edit custom view - 2

Remove Custom View

To Delete an Existing Custom View:
1.      In the Custom View filter, click the Trash icon.

delete custom view - 1

2.      Click Delete.

delete custom view - 2
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