Monitor Driver Device | Driver Management

How do I monitor my driver's mobile device activity?

Driver Management: Monitor Driver Device
This module is a guide on how to view the logs of a Fleet PH Driver’s mobile activity/status so that they can be checked and monitored.
Click here to view our Release Note for Monitor Driver Device.

Monitoring Driver's Device

To Monitor the Driver's Device:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Driver Management.

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3.      Click the Mobile icon under the Monitor Device column (Active tab).

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4.      The following Driver Details can be found in the Monitor Driver Device modal:
            a. Driver Name
            b. Driver Employee ID
            c. Stores - User could hover to check if the particular Driver is shared to Other Stores.

shared driver
Sample image once Store Name is hover upon by the User (if Driver is shared to other store/s)

            d. Reload button - Click to refresh data. Upon clicking, User will be redirected to the first page where the most recent data is located.

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5.      The Monitor Driver Device modal also contains the following columns:
            a. Created At
            b. Transaction Date
            c. Job ID
            d. Hub
            e. Location GPS (GPS)

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            f. Network Reachable (Reachable)
            g. Network Connected (Connected)
            h. Storage Free (Free)
            i. Memory Max. Capacity (Max. Capacity)
            j. Battery Level (Level)
            k. Battery State (State)

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            l. App Version
            m. Device Model
            n. Android Version

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Note: User may hover at the Column Name to view its description.

6.      If no logs were recorded and displayed in the modal, below are the possible reasons:
            a. The Fleet Mobile App is not running in the background.
            b. Driver is Offline.
Note: Logs will sync when the Driver goes Online and if they did not Clear Cache or Uninstalled their Fleet Mobile App during the time that they were Offline.
Note: Please download the updated version of the Fleet Ph Mobile App (v3.7.41) to record logs for the Device Model and Android Version fields in the Monitor Driver Device modal.
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