Image Resolution | App Settings

How can I adjust image resolutions for my PODs?

App Settings: Image Resolution
This module is a guide on how Fleet PH Web Users can change Image Resolutions for the Proof of Deliveries (PODs) to save mobile data and storage when their drivers load PODs from the Fleet Mobile App.

Choose Image Resolution

To Change the POD image resolution:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click App Settings.

image resolution - 1
Note: The Image Resolution section will be located here.

image resolution in app settings
3.      Choose among the following resolutions:
            a. Low (500px)
            b. Medium (750px)
            c. High (1000px)

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Note: Setting a higher resolution might cause higher data and storage consumption on mobile.

image resolution - note
Note: Resolutions will only apply to PODs attached via Mobile (also viewable in Web). It will NOT apply to Case Attachment/s added by User (Web).

image reso - tooltip
Important Note: If the Image Resolution has been changed, the Driver must relogin to their Fleet Mobile App for the updated Image Resolution to take effect.