Job Completion | Settings

How do I setup job completion requirements that my drivers can choose from in the Fleet Mobile App?

Job Completion Requirements
This module is a guide on how to setup job completion requirements that your Drivers can choose & fill-out before completing an order. An example of this could be an E-Signature of the recipient as Proof of Delivery (POD).
For our complete Video Manual Guide for the Job Completion Requirements: Tasks, click here.

Create a New Job Completion

To Add a New Job Completion Requirement:
1.       Click Settings.
2.       Click Job Completion Requirements.

create job completion - 1

3.      Click Create New Job Completion.

create new job completion - 2

4.      Choose a Task:
            a. Pickup Parcel – The Driver will take a photo of the parcel.
            b. E-signature – The Recipient should sign in the Driver's device.
Note: For E-signature, a “Text to Customer” section will appear.

e-signature task - text to customer
            c. Take Photo - Requires the Driver to take a parcel photo.
            d. Enter Receiver - Driver will enter the parcel receiver, or the recipient's relationship to the customer.
They could also take a photo of the receiver (optional).
            e. Workflow - The Driver will be required to go through the Workflow set to complete the job.
The Fleet Mobile App will record the timestamp when the Workflow was done and will reflect in the job history.
Note: For the Workflow task, choosing a Workflow color is required and will reflect in the job post once the Workflow has been completed.

workflow task - workflow colors
create new job completion - 3

5.      Enter a Title.
6.      Enter the Instruction to Driver.
7.      Enter or create a Tag.
Jobs with similar tag/s will include the task as their proof of delivery in the Job Requirements section in the Fleet Mobile App once the Driver tagged the job as Done.
8.      Click Add.

create new job completion - 4

Update a Job Completion

To Edit an Existing Job Completion Requirement:
1.      Click the Pencil icon under the Actions column.

edit job completion - 1

2.   Make the necessary changes.
3.   Click Save.

edit job completion - 2

Remove a Job Completion

To Delete an Existing Job Completion Requirement:
1.      Click the Trash icon under the Actions column.

delete job completion - 1

2.      Click Confirm.

delete job completion - 2


To Activate/Deactivate an Existing Job Completion Requirement:
Click the Toggle button under the Active column.

Arrange Job Completion Sequence

Click and drag the List icon beside the Toggle button.
The change in their sequence/order will also reflect in the Driver’s Fleet Mobile App.
arrange job completion sequence
For more information, click here to view our Job Completion Video Manual, or play the video below:

Job Completion: Search Bar

The Search Bar can be used to easily find a job completion requirement.

Job Completion: Complete by Sequence

If the Complete By Sequence (Toggle) is activated, the Driver should complete the job in the Fleet Mobile App based on its order/sequence.

Their sequence will be represented in numbers as to show the order of the Job Completion Requirements once they have Done a job in their Fleet Mobile app.

complete by sequence toggle

complete by sequence toggle - tooltip info
Tooltip info if the Complete By Sequence will be turned on