Fleet Ph Mobile: Viewing Tabs

What can I see upon logging in the Fleet Ph Mobile App?

Navigation & Functionalities
This section will introduce you to the different viewing tabs, and buttons in your Fleet Ph Mobile App and their functions.

Home (Assigned Tab)

This is the first page that your Driver will see upon logging in. This is where they can see job posts that are assigned to them. For them to be able to receive jobs, they should Turn On the Toggle in the Assigned Tab.

Driver's View of the Assigned tab upon Logging In

Toggle On to be able to Receive Jobs

Open Tab

This is where job posts with no assigned driver will appear. Your Drivers can grab jobs in this tab.

Driver's View when they clicked the Open Tab (Sample list of Open jobs)

Done Tab

Job/s completed by your Fleet Ph Driver will appear here. It will also show for how many minutes the job was completed, its Reference Number and other information about the job, Job Tag/s, and if it was completely Synced in the Fleet Ph system.

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