Product Updates: May 15, 2023

Product Updates - May 15, 2023


The following releases are fixes done to the existing features of the application.

1.      Driver License Validation (Driver Management) [HOTFIX]
            - Fixed Issue: Can still create a record when using an existing license number.
            - Prevents on creating a new driver when the license number is already existing or flagged.
2.      Barangay Name (Cluster Management) [BUGFIX] [Ticket No. 1715]
            - Fixed Issue: Barangay names that have similar names.
3.      Monitor Driver Device Scroll Bar
            - Fixed Issue: Horizontal scroll bar is not working.


The following Items are newly implemented features and functions to the application.

1.      Searchable Customer Profile (Autofill details) [WEB]
            - Easily search customer names now through the search bar in the Profile List modal.
2.      Clickable Driver's Name [WEB]
            - The driver name in the Pending Jobs Driver's modal is now clickable to easily view their activities.
3.      RTS Tag Improvement [WEB]
            - RTS job now have a unique tag for child job.

Fleet PH Web Version: v3.10.32e
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