Reject Configuration | Settings

How do I add reject reasons that my Fleet Drivers can choose from their Fleet Mobile app?

Reject Configuration
This module is a guide on how to add Reject Reason/s that Fleet PH Drivers could choose from in their Fleet PH Mobile app if they would want to Reject a certain delivery.

Add a New Reject Configuration

To Add a New Reject Configuration:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Reject Configuration.

add reject config - 1

3.      Click Add New Reject Configuration.

add reject config - 2

4.      Fill-out the following fields:
            a. Reason - Enter the Reject Reason that your driver can select from their Fleet Mobile app when Rejecting a Job.
            b. Tag - Add or select from previously created tags.

add reject config - 3

5.      Click Add.

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Note: Once the Reject Configuration has been added, the Reason Title will be visible under the Reason column, together with its corresponding Tag under the Tags column.

reject reason
Note: To easily look for the Reject Reasons, type the Reason Title on the Search bar of the Reject Configuration page.

reject config - search bar

Update a Reject Configuration

To Edit an Existing Reject Configuration:
1.      Click the Pencil icon under the Action column of the Reject Reason.

edit reject config - 1

2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Save.

edit reject config - 2

Remove a Reject Configuration

To Delete an Existing Reject Configuration:
1.      Click the Trash icon under the Action column of the Reject Reason.

delete reject config - 1

2.      Click Confirm.

delete reject config - 2

Activate/Deactivate a Reject Configuration

To Activate/Deactivate an Existing Reject Configuration:
Under the Active column, click the Toggle button to Activate/Deactivate a Reject Reason.

Note: All Active Reasons will appear in the Fleet Mobile app once the Driver clicks the Reject Job button.

Arrange Reject Configuration Order

To Arrange the Order of the Existing Reject Configurations:
Click and drag the List button beside the Toggle button of the reason.

arrange reject config list
Note: The change in their order will also reflect in the Fleet PH Mobile App.