Sender Email | App Settings

How do I change the email that will send order updates to my customers?

App Settings: Sender Email
This module is a guide on how Fleet PH Web Users can set an Email Address to be used when sending their Customer Email Notifications.
Module Note: You can now download an offline version (no images) for this article. Just click the PDF file below to download.

Change Sender Email

To Change the Sender Email:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click App Settings.

change sender email - 1

Note: The Sender Email section is located here.

sender email in app settings
Note: The Sender Email tooltip informs the User that Customer Email Notifications will NOT be transferred to the Email's Sent items.

sender email - tooltip
Note: Set an email address to be used as sender of Email Customer Notifications. An OTP code will be sent to the provided email address for verification.

sender email - description
3.      Enter a valid email address.

change sender email - 2
The Default Sender Email in this field will be User may change this to a different VALID email address.

default sender email
4.      Click Get OTP,

change sender email - 3
Note: The "Get OTP" button will change to "Resend" after the 120 seconds timer.

sender email - timer
120 seconds timer countdown after "Get OTP" is clicked

sender email - resend otp button
"Resend OTP" button after the countdown timer

Verify Sender Email

To Verify the Sender Email:
1.      Go to the inbox of the Sender Email.
2.      Click the message with the Subject "Fleet Sender Email Update".
3.      Take note of the OTP Code.

verify sender email - 1 
4.      Go back to the Fleet Web Account's Sender Email section.
5.      Enter the OTP Code.
6.      Click Verify.

verify sender email - 2