How do I change the email that will send order updates to my customers?
App Settings: Sender Email
This module is a guide on how Fleet PH Web Users can set an Email Address to be used when sending their Customer Email Notifications.![](
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Change Sender Email
To Change the Sender Email:
1. Click Settings.
2. Click App Settings.
Note: The Sender Email section is located here.
Note: The Sender Email tooltip informs the User that Customer Email Notifications will NOT be transferred to the Email's Sent items.
Note: Set an email address to be used as sender of Email Customer Notifications. An OTP code will be sent to the provided email address for verification.
3. Enter a valid email address.
The Default Sender Email in this field will be User may change this to a different VALID email address.
4. Click Get OTP,
Verify Sender Email
To Verify the Sender Email:
1. Go to the inbox of the Sender Email.
2. Click the message with the Subject "Fleet Sender Email Update".
3. Take note of the OTP Code.
4. Go back to the Fleet Web Account's Sender Email section.
5. Enter the OTP Code.
6. Click Verify.