Driver Management | Settings

How do I manage my Fleet PH drivers?

Driver Management
This module is a guide on how to add, update, and monitor Fleet PH drivers so they could use the Fleet Mobile App where they can see Open and Assigned jobs.

Create a Driver Account

To Add a New Driver:
1.      Click Settings.
2.      Click Driver Management.

create driver - 1

3.      Click Add New Driver.

create driver - 2

4.      Fill-out the required details in red:
            a. Area
            b. Store
            c. Other Store (optional) - Allows the Driver to also be assigned in other stores.
            d. First Name
            e. Last Name
            f. License No.
            g. Driver Employee ID (optional)
            h. Nickname
            i. Mobile Number
            j. Email - Email currently used in another Driver account is automatically unavailable.
            k. Password
            l. Confirm Password

create driver - 3

5.      Click Add Driver.

create driver - 4

Update a Driver Account

To Edit an Existing Driver Account:
1.      Click the Pencil icon under the Actions column of the Driver account.

edit driver - 1

2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Save.

edit driver - 2

Update Driver Email and Password

To Edit the Driver's credentials for the Fleet PH Mobile App:
1.       Click the Change Email and Password link.

2.      Make the necessary changes.
3.      Click Submit.

Deactivate a Driver Account

To Deactivate an Existing Driver:
Click the Power switch beside the Pencil icon under the Actions column of the Driver that you want to Deactivate.

deactivate driver
Note: Deactivated drivers will now be transferred to the Deactivated tab.
Know more about Driver Deactivation here.

Allow Drivers to Grab Jobs

To Allow Existing Drivers to Grab Jobs:
Click the Toggle button under the Allow Grabbing of Jobs column.
Note: The Driver will NOT be able to see the Open tab in their Fleet Mobile app if the Allow Grabbing of Jobs column is deselected.
grab jobs
Note: If activated, drivers can grab OPEN jobs in the Fleet Mobile App.

grab jobs - tooltip info
For more information, click here to view our Driver Management Video Manual, or play the video below:

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